Analytics & Traffic WordPress Plugins- the Top 5 Tools to Look Out

Analytics & Traffic WordPress Plugins- the Top 5 Tools to Look Out

When you have a WordPress site, it’s crucial to know how many visitors visit your website. Without the correct data on your hand, it will be difficult for you to assess your progress.

That’s why you need analytics. You can learn how many visitors come to your website, where they come from, and what they do with an analytics tool.

If you’re scrolling the internet to know the best analytics solutions for your WordPress site, you’ve come to the right place. We have selected some of the best WordPress analytics for you. We will give you a quick view of each of them and help you to find which one is perfect for you.

Analytics & Traffic WordPress Plugins


ExactMetrics is a powerful analytics tool that uses the latest Google Analytics tracking code to analyze your website performance. It delivers in-depth reports that you can use to analyze each of your web pages or posts and get a solid idea of how they are performing.

It will give you real-time reports of your website’s traffic sources and acquisition channels.

You’ll have access to real-time reports that show visitors, acquisition channels, and traffic sources of your website. Tracking authors, publication year, categories, and user engagement will become very simple with this plugin.

You will also have control over who is observing specific reports by setting permissions based on user roles.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the popular names in WordPress analytics. It has some distinct features that make it different from other WordPress plugins.

Instead of providing traffic data, it allows users to optimize their sites for SEO. It helps you what to add or remove to make your content perfectly SEO optimized. It’ll also make you understand how readable your contents are and what you can do to improve them.

With Yoast SEO, you have complete control over WordPress breadcrumbs. If you purchase the premium version, you can avoid the site’s annoying 404-page errors.

Yoast SEO’s Insights section provides several important pieces of data about content, including keywords, internal links, and link recommendations.

Yoast SEO

Google Site Kit

The best thing about Google Site Kit is it’s free. It’ll let you integrate different Google services. As a result, you’ll be able to have an inside view of your WordPress data.

This unique plugin allows you to get crucial basic data about your visitors.  You will understand how your visitors use your site and how they find your website.

This will further allow you to make an effective SEO plan for your sites. It will also allow you to incorporate it with Google Search Console. Its PageSpeed insight is constructive. You’ll know whether your website speed is optimum or not. 

HubSpot WordPress Plugin

HubSpot WordPress Plugin is especially helpful for inbound marketing. It’s a free plugin that helps users to extend their email lists, manage contacts and send valuable marketing emails.

Without this plugin, you may have to do all of these manually. That would be very time-consuming and tedious.

It has built-in analytics that allows you to figure out which traffic sources drive the most conversions and sales.

I always recommend HubSpot because of its incredible features and vast technical support. You don’t need a technician to understand its features and functionality. With its immense technical resources, you can do everything by yourself.

HubSpot WordPress Plugin

WP Statistics

Are you looking for an analytics tool that gives you an in-depth insight? Then, WP Statistics is the right plugin for you. 

It may not be effortless to use, but its features and functionality are awe-inspiring. It has tons of customizations and features.

It displays information in a very easy-to-understand graph. It may take quite a while to get used to this plugin, but once you have mastered it, your website will immensely benefit.

Another great part of WP Statistics is that you don’t have to integrate it with Google analytics. The tool tracks data within your site and does not share it with anyone else.

There are many more WordPress plugins that can help you analyze the data and traffic of your websites. Some of them are free, some of them are premium, and some of them have both options.

But, one thing is common in every case. You want to improve your SEO, draw more traffic and bring more sales to your website. I hope these analytics tools that I mentioned above will serve those purposes.