Effective Lead Generation Website Alternatives to Basic Email Opt-In Forms

Effective Lead Generation Website Alternatives to Basic Email Opt-In Forms

Lead generation is crucial for every business. If you want to draw more traffic to your website, this is one of the options you are looking for.

However, lead generation is much more than that. It gives you valuable visitor insights. With that insights, you can successfully communicate with your visitors and turn them from occasional visitors to genuine customers.

Like many other things or activities on websites, lead generation also requires the right tools or techniques.

We are here describing some excellent alternative website lead generation to basic email opt-in forms. These alternatives can drastically inprove your lead generation.

Effective Lead Generation Website Alternatives to Basic Email Opt-In Forms

Website Alternatives for Lead Generation


Everybody loves to participate in competitions. It’s addictive and thrilling. There are many ways to set up a competition.

Here are few popular forms of competitions-

  • You could set up a lottery or prize money for your audience to fill up question forms and announce winners by the end of the day or week. It’s not a challenging task for people to do. So, they will gladly participate.
  • You can ask them to caption a photo in a funny way by commenting on a blog post.
  • Get them to go through your website and do various things.

When it comes to prize money, you can apply more tricks. You can offer them a couple of your free consultations or services. In that way, you can get closer to your clients.

One-to-One Consultation

Do you want to grab potential customers on direct phone or message contact? Then One-to-One Consultation is the perfect choice for you. 

The call or consultation is generally associated with solving a specific problem or offering a quick solution. It works as bait to make your visitor committed or familiar with your service.

You may have seen call-to-action on many websites. This is how you actually fix a consultation. It could be on your home page or any of your landing pages.

This call to action will allow you to build trust with your clients. It doesn’t only convert random visitors into clients. It also makes them regular clients.


Who doesn’t want to play a quiz? We all love to play a quiz or puzzle. But, how can these quizzes help you draw audiences? Well, first of all, it’ll help you to hook your audience. And then, most importantly, it will tell you the nature of your audience. You can know a great deal about their likes and dislikes, habits and preferences by conducting a quiz or survey.

quiz for lead generation

Free Trial/Demonstration

Many digital companies are offering free trials or demos on their website. A free trial usually looks like this- you can use their service or software for a certain period. After that, you have to buy their premium services or versions.

This is a great way to generate leads for your business on the digital platform. Onboarding videos and follow-up emails are usually included with the free trial. There is always a time limit in a free trial. It could be as long as 30 days or as short as one week.

In a demo or demonstration, an expert familiar with how the software works will show you how to best use it.  Demonstrations can be made via an online demonstration, webinar, or even a virtual video tour.

Both free trials and demonstrations are very effective in generating leads. Sometimes free trial could be more effective. Sometime demonstation can do the trick for you. It all depends on the types of interaction a buyer needs.

Notable Lead Generation Tools


When it comes to lead generation tools, Hubspot is one of the best. Mainly built for inbound marketing, this fantastic tool offers a number of powerful options to connect with audiences.

Hubspot can help you with-

  • Customer loyalty and surveys are the two most essential things in business. HubSpot will help you conduct an accurate survey on how your customers feel about your service and what else they want from you.
  • Its automated email campaigns feature you to target new leads. You can easily create it with a drag-and-drop email editor and pre-built templates.
  • Develop lead capture forms that include follow-up emails that allow you to attach and deliver a PDF they signed up to receive.

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is undoubtedly one of the most impressive, most feature-rich WordPress contact form plugins. Whether you need a responsive form, spam filter, advanced calculations, or payment gateways, Gravity Forms has you covered.

Here’s what Gravity Forms is offering you to lead generation-

  • You can use conditional logic to show different questions based on a person’s answers, perfect for quizzes and surveys.
  • One-to-one consultation is crucial when it comes to making random visitors into faithful clients. Gravity Forms will help you to create a registration form to serve that purpose.
  • Customer interaction is crucial to building a loyal base. Gravity Forms allows users to provide all necessary information to submit their entries to a competition. They can also upload files which makes them further engaging.
  • Gravity Forms offers a variety of add-ons for enhancing and extending your forms.

Some other lead generation techniques can give you solid leads. Every technique may not be suitable for your business. Try to do your homework before choosing the tools or alternatives for lead generation. Your lead generation success depends on it.

You can also contact us to know more about lead generation, inbound and outbound marketing.