What You Need to Check Before Creating a Successful Website Design

What You Need to Check Before Creating a Successful Website Design

Nowadays, every business needs a website. An online presence has become almost as important as a physical presence for a company to run.

A successful website can work as a salesman. It brings you more customers, increases your sales and brand values.

However, creating a successful business website is not easy. It takes a lot of effort to build an appealing, functional, and user-friendly website.

While every website is unique in function and nature, it has to follow a particular guideline to be a successful one.

Whether you build a website yourself or hire an agency or freelancer, you should check out the following guidelines to make it effective to your targeted audiences.

What You Need to Check Before Creating a Successful Website Design

Make Your Website Easy to Navigate

Don’t compromise a good user experience to make your website more attractive or unique. If visitors find it hard to find the most essential pages on your website, it will not matter if your website looks beautiful or not.

The rule of thumb here is simple. Your visitors must get to any page in less than 3 clicks. If the navigational components of the site are too confusing, you will lose valuable customers or visitors.

By improving your site navigation, you can increase your conversions by as much as 20%.

Make Your Site Mobile Responsive

More than half of your visitors will visit your website via smartphone. With so many people using their mobile phones to surf the internet, making your website mobile-friendly becomes increasingly essential.

By making your website mobile responsive, you can decrease your site’s bounce rate and increase conversion.

You can use the Google mobile-friendly test to determine if your website is mobile-friendly.

Put a Focus on Clean Design

If you want visitors to keep coming to website, you need a clean and simple design. A poor and cluttered design will make visitors struggle to spend a considerable amount of time on website.

Visitors judge your business mainly on how it looks. 94% of people familiar with a website design will not return to it if the design has deteriorated.

Even the best content will do you no good if you have a poor website design. The bounce rate will be high, and conversions will be considerably low.

Always keep in mind that the best design in most cases, a simple design. Don’t add unnecessary features and attributes to your website if it has nothing to do with the customers.

Use an Easy-to-Use Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) enables you to organize your content in your blog, pages, and other parts of your website without outsourcing the work to a web developer or understanding programming languages such as HTML or PHP.

It supports other aspects of a website as well, including plugins, themes, and statistics.

It is essential for business owners to maintain complete control over their websites at all times. It could be pretty tough if the site is running multiple programs or software platforms at once. A CMS lets you control all aspects of your site, including the graphics, scripts, plugins, and more, from one place.

Optimize Your Website

Optimizing your website for search engine optimization and conversions is essential to your website’s success.

By building good SEO, you can get more traffic and gain more chances to convert potential customers.

Having your website optimized for SEO and conversions together promotes both of those goals. It fosters a better relationship between your website and search engines.

Optimize Your Site’s Loading Speed

Loading speed is very crucial for any website. If your website takes longer to load, visitors will leave your website.  Slow loading speed increases the bounce rate of a website.

53% of people will not wait more than three seconds for a website to load. Slow websites also rank poorly in Google ranking. Even a stunning website design will not attract visitors if your website becomes too slow.

Check your site’s loading speed from time to time to ensure it stays in the right direction. Luckily, several tools are available to help your website load as quickly as possible on both desktops and mobile devices.

A well-optimized user-friendly website works as an asset for any small business. If you think your website design is not quite right or doesn’t bring expected visitors, feel free to contact our expert website designers.